Social Sciences | Rainhill High School

Social Sciences

When you study for a Social Science course, you will explore and understand the systems and interactions in Human Society, for example how governments are formed and laws are made, how we develop economic systems, how History informs the present and how individuals make decisions.

You will learn to analyse, evaluate and understand how the world has developed to date so that you can influence how it changes tomorrow.

Social Science subjects offered are listed below:

Business (Key Stage 4)

Business (Key Stage 5)

Criminology (Key Stage 5)

Health & Social Care (Key Stage 5)

Law (Key Stage 5)

Psychology Key Stage 5

Social Sciences Faculty

Head of Social Sciences Faculty and Business/Economics TeacherPaul
Head of Philosophy and EthicsRachel
Health & Social Care TeacherKiran
Psychology/Criminology TeacherFaye
Psychology/Criminology TeacherJude
Law TeacherPrunella