Year 7 First Impressions | Rainhill High School

Year 7 First Impressions

Welcome to Our World: The Year 7 Experience at Rainhill High School

Discover Rainhill High through the eyes of our newest members!

Our video features firsthand accounts from our Year 7 students, sharing their initial impressions and experiences as they embark on their exciting journey with us. From their first day nerves to the joys of making new friends and exploring new opportunities, this film captures the spirit and enthusiasm of starting a new chapter at Rainhill High School.

Watch as they navigate their first few weeks, offering a glimpse into the vibrant school life and the supportive community that makes Rainhill High a unique place to grow and learn. Whether you're a prospective student, a parent considering our school for your child, or a member of our community, this video will give you an insightful look into what makes our school experience so special.